That new in version 2.21:
- Localization files in UTF-8
- register_globals is now no need to put in the On
- Fixed minor bugs
That new in version 2.20:
- File modes can be assigned on new images creation;
- Two removed config.php settings: $Full_Settings, $Settings
- Five new config.php settings: $Auto_CHMOD, $CHMOD_Images_Dir, $CHMOD_Images_Dir_Err, $Deny_Save_Config_File, $Deny_Check_Update
- config.php web editor added;
- Pages for adding, view and modificating records are changed, mrtg.cfg changes displayed there;
- New MRTG settings added: kilo, rrdrowcount30m, rrdrowcount2h, rrdrowcount1d, rrdhwrras, sfilename, setenv, pagetop
- "Target" setting can be SNMP or OTHER (OTHER means arbitrary value, including script or predefined value);
- Code optimization.
That new in version 2.19:
- Now it can determine whether new version of MRTGWebCfg was released;
- 3 global MRTG parameters added (RunAsDaemon, Interval, NoDetach);
- $Column_Set_Standart was removed from config.php
- Admin scripts are moved to "admin" subfolder;
- Database supports detection in php added.
That new in version 2.18:
- MySQL database can be used as storage;
- Template add error was fixed on the "Template management - GUI" page.
That new in version 2.17:
- The French language added (Author: Aymeric MARCHAL)
That new in version 2.16:
- Minor bugfixes;
- English translation is completed.
That new in version 2.15:
- Incoming traffic bugs exploration fixed;
- Experimental utility SNMP Tools added;
- Small bugs in interface fixed.
That new in version 2.14:
- Image scaling fixed in rrd file analysis;
- New configuration feature ($Show_Community - to show or not to show SNMP password on control panel).